
目前顯示的是 7月, 2015的文章

[intern 入門] A few words on internship

Patient care is our first priority. But do protect yourself first in any circumstances, even in life-threatening situations.  Never abandon your teammate(s) in the battlefield.  Be grateful if someone helped you. No one has the obligation to help you do your job.  Inform your partner if you have any issue left for them, even it is just an IV cannula.  Take care of yourself. Eat, drink, toilet, sleep prn. People are what matter. A good relationship with your colleagues (and patients!) will turn any hell into heaven.  Sometimes things do not make sense. Do not take those issues too personally. After all they are just one snapshot of your career.  Sometimes the right thing to do isn't always the thing being done. That's when your common sense and clinical judgement come into value. The right thing to do usually involves more time expenditure, especially in the middle of the night. Try to learn from your colleagues...

[intern 入門] Common investigations panels for CMS

CMS有個功能可以喺個investigation度 set personal folder,如果想有飯食或者有覺瞓的話請setup 請善用group order function (例如收症/tap 完肺/肚來來去去都係send 個幾樣嘢),group咗一click就可以出晒 以下列表只作參考之用,並無包括全部investigation,請按實際臨床/MO 需要order urine/CSF/pleural fluid/ascitic fluid記住要pair up番個blood sample(例如glucose/protein) 做完procedure要send嘅嘢都係biochem/anatomical and cellular path/microbio 唔同醫院嘅CMS都會有唔同items,有時有啲test無,特別嘅test可能要手寫