
目前顯示的是有「婦產科 Obstetrics and Gynaecology」標籤的文章

[O&G] Gynaecology by Ten Teachers 19e (2011)

Gynaecology by Ten Teachers 19e (2011) Price $145 同產科一樣,婦科對我嚟講都係屬於比較陌生嘅科。始終女人嘅嘢,我識咩呀,係咪先? Similar to Obstetrics, Gynaecology was one of the more unfamiliar specialties in med 4. Intrinsically born with a Y, I do not share the pride of having two X.

[O&G] Obstetrics by Ten Teachers 19e (2011)

Obstetrics by Ten Teachers 19e (2011) Price $145 婦產科都係一個四年級時比較陌生嘅科,因為之前其實無咩接觸過太多有關嘅臨床知識。而書呢方面,我細細個就聽過ten teachers呢個名啦!加上我med4 前有需要都睇過本書,所以我就買咗呢本同埋佢個姊妹 Gynaecology by Ten Teachers Obstetrics is one of the more unfamiliar specialties in med4 as we didnt really have a lot of exposure in it. But for textbook, I heard of the Ten Teachers for a long time as the classical textbook in O&G, so I went straight to buy this one and its counterpart  Gynaecology by Ten Teachers .

[醫書直說] Med 4 小心得 Recommendations

Med 4 有四科,分別係婦產科Obs and Gyn,兒科 Paediatrics,家庭及社區醫學Family and Community Medicine同埋精神科Psychiatry(排名跟住我rotation嘅次序,而我一直覺得呢個順序係有意思嘅)。四科其實都係獨當一面嘅專科,要讀晒都唔容易。有人一本書都唔駛買,淨係用notes都得(多謝我哋啲senior寫咗啲神notes留比我哋),我就都係鍾意睇書所以亦都有用textbook。 The 4 rotations in year 4 are namely O&G, Paed, Family and Comm Med and Psy. I always think there is a meaning behind this special order...These are four specialties with substantial knowledge needed for each one of them, so it was not too easy to master them all. Some people don't have to use any textbook at all, thanks to our respectable seniors who wrote some very good notes for us. I personally prefer textbooks as a core.