【App】ABG Expert-初學者對答案必備

Winter Surge 又到啦,各位有幸抽中第三水做medical嘅houseman又可以一展你哋抽ABG嘅技巧啦!想當年小弟一月一日就oncall,仲要得兩個人坐晒成間中型醫院嘅內科病房,做到夜晚都未抽得切朝早order嘅ABG,真係令人懷念......

當你幾經辛苦著住PPE焗住個N95搏鬥完一輪抽咗支blood gas,點樣interpret個result呢?半夜三更你個腦又唔係好function到,call MO 問又怕俾人鬧,唔使怕!拎出你部電話,開個app出嚟就interpret到啦!

只要輸入blood gas result,例如pH, PaCO2, PaO2, FiO2, Na, K, Cl, lactate 等等, 佢就會俾到個結果你。例如 22/F known T1DM presented to A&E for SOB with generalised discomfort.

pH 7.05,
PaCO2 2kPa,
Na 129mmol/L,
K 5mmol/L,
Cl 96mmol/L,
HCO3 5mmol/L

佢會話比你知呢個係high anion gap metabolic acidosis,你仲可以撳落去high anion gap嗰度,佢會教埋你點計,同埋最重要嘅differential diagnoses:

acid overproduction: ketoacidosis, lactic acidosis
acid underexcretion: chronic renal disease
impaired lactate clearance: advanced liver disease
massive rhadomyolysis
toxic etiologies: panadol, beta agonists, valproate

仲有further tests to consider e.g. urine toxicology, serum and urine ketone, serum beta-hydroxybutyrate, serum ethanol, serum osmolarity...

咁你諗掂晒order埋先inform MO,佢應該都唔會燥你底啦掛?

佢仲有個功能去計ventilator optimisation,不過小弟甚少要較機,就唔班門弄斧啦,大家可以試下用唔用得著。

抽ABG嘅技巧就可以參考下呢篇文啦:[Intern 入門] Arterial blood taking



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