【App】神經科必備神器-Neuro Localizer
今日趁年尾又差唔多要進入大直路準備考final MB嘅時間啦,又介紹一個無論student或者in practice醫生都會啱用嘅neurology app-Neuro Localizer. 簡單嚟講呢個由The University of Michigan設計嘅app就係可以俾你輸入病人嘅clinical signs/symptoms而佢會幫你推斷出病人邊度有問題。
例子:57/F HT DM presented with left hemiparesis and UMN left facial palsy.
可以選擇嘅地方包括eye,face,upper同lower limbs。每個地方通常都係有weakness,numbness同reflex嘅選擇。Weakness就有得揀邊組動作weak,而numbness就有得揀邊種sensation出問題 ie. pain/temperature vs vibration/proprioception, 再揀埋dermatome或者area。eye就因為多啲嘢睇,例如pupil同gaze,所以會有比較多sign揀。
輸入完之後可以到view/delete sign確認。留意當你每輸入一個sign,個app都會顯示出該地方嘅neural pathway。撳去localizations就可以睇到有機會出問題嘅地方,當然呢個例子就好簡單啦,right cerebral hemisphere, midbrain同pons都有可能。
如果想進一步確認病灶,你可以撳去suggestions,佢會提議你做更多嘅檢查去確認有問題嘅地方。如果呢個case你發現到both eyes deviated to the left,咁個app就會答你個問題好有可能出自right pons。通常如果係cortical problem patient looks towards the lesioned side,所以clinically left sided lesion。如果佢唔望住right side,咁就好有可能係right pons。
最後送上我做學生時好鍾意用嘅"Brainstem rules of 4s",對於當時未有app嘅我要interpret brainstem嘅sign都好有幫助。考試都無app架,唯有記下啲rules啦!
rule 1. 4 midline structures starting with "m"
1. motor corticospinal tract (contralateral weakness)
2. medial lemniscus (contralateral proprioception)
3. medial longitudinal fasciculus (ipsilateral internuclear ophthalmoplegia)
4. motor cranial nerve nuclei (3, 4, 6, 12; factors of 12)
rule 2. 4 side structures starting with "s"
1. spinocerebellar (ipsilateral ataxia)
2. spinothalamic (contralateral pinprick)
3. sensory cranial nerve 5
4. sympathetics (ipsilateral Horner's syndrome)
rule 3. 4 cranial nerves in medulla, 4 in pons, 4 above pons (2 in midbrain)
* above pons: 1, 2, 3, 4 (3 and 4 in midline of midbrain)
* pons: 5, 6, 7, 8 (5 on side, 6 in midline)
* medulla: 9, 10, 11, 12 (12 in midline)
rule 4. 3, 4, 6, 12 are in midline
Gates, P. (2005), The rule of 4 of the brainstem: a simplified method for understanding brainstem anatomy and brainstem vascular syndromes for the non-neurologist. Internal Medicine Journal, 35: 263–266. doi: 10.1111/j.1445-5994.2004.00732.x