[Psy] Oxford Handbook of Psychiatry 2e
Oxford Handbook of Psychiatry $241.4 呢本係我唯一一本係急到唔係喺麥包王買嘅書。話說我 year 4有次返中大行商務,正值又係就嚟考Psy end module,見到呢本書,拎上手,揭下揭下又覺得ok喎,結果我兩個星期內睇晒佢去考,都算考得唔錯架 ;) This is the only book that I wanted it so much that I did not buy in you know which book shop. It was a few weeks before the end module exam of psychiatry, and I was quite interested by it when i flipped through it. In the end I spent two weeks finished the book and got a very decent pass ;)