
目前顯示的是 6月, 2014的文章

[Psy] Oxford Handbook of Psychiatry 2e

Oxford Handbook of Psychiatry $241.4 呢本係我唯一一本係急到唔係喺麥包王買嘅書。話說我 year 4有次返中大行商務,正值又係就嚟考Psy end module,見到呢本書,拎上手,揭下揭下又覺得ok喎,結果我兩個星期內睇晒佢去考,都算考得唔錯架 ;) This is the only book that I wanted it so much that I did not buy in you know which book shop. It was a few weeks before the end module exam of psychiatry, and I was quite interested by it when i flipped through it. In the end I spent two weeks finished the book and got a very decent pass ;)

[Medical] Chest X-Ray Made Easy 3e (2009)

Chest X-Ray Made Easy 3e (2009) Price: $114 繼之前ECG系列,今次又有Chest X Ray系列之一嘅 made easy。ECG 真係無論 med 3 4 5 內外科都識嘅基本知識,我就係喺 Final MB Medical OSCE考咗啦,你今日俾人抽咗未? After the ECG made easy triad, this time we have one of the chest X ray duplet - chest x ray made easy. This is really an essential skill and I just happened to be tested on this in my medical OSCE exam.

[Psy] Psychiatry (Oxford Medical Publications) (2012)

Psychiatry (Oxford Medical Publications) (2012) Price $375 Psychiatry 書我個陣啲同學主要用兩本,一本就係"Oxford",另一半就係Crash Course Psychiatry。我當時就係買咗呢本oxford啦,但係其實我到而家都唔知我有冇買錯書,因為oxford仲有另一本"New Oxford Textbook of Psychiatry"同"Shorter Oxford Textbook of Psychiatry",我而家覺得後者可能先係我哋所講果本"oxford",大家如果要買嘅時候記住唔好買錯啦。 There were two major textbooks which we used during our psychiatry rotation, one is known as "oxford", and the other is Crash Course Psychiatry. I bought this "oxford" but I never know whether I got the right book because there is another "New Oxford Textbook of Psychiatry" and "Shorter Oxford Textbook of Psychiatry", I now believe that the latter should be the recommended "oxford" so if you wish to buy this please have a look yourself and make sure it suits you.

[醫書直說] Med 3 心得 Recommendations

Med 3 係我第一次接觸臨床醫學嘅一年,我亦都覺得呢一年係一個好deep嘅learning curve,學咗好多基本嘅問病歷同為病人檢查嘅技巧(其實正常嚟講你哋應該都學過同考過試添,但係我唔正常吖嘛哈哈)。喺呢一年你都會遇到或者聽講過有好多好多textbook令你唔知點揀...... As the first taste of clinical medicine, med 3 is the year where you consolidate your knowledge and skills in history taking and physical exam which (normally, but not for my case) you have learned in the previous preclinical years. It is also the time when you will be introduced to so many clinical textbooks so that you may even feel overwhelmed...

[Intern allocation] 喜好意見調查

我真係好想知其實大家最理想嘅intern placement係點樣,呢份問卷主要都係想比啲idea我哋嘅師弟妹,等佢哋揀rotation同交易嘅時候可以有啲概念,唔駛不知所措。 希望大家同學/同事們可以幫下手,得閒就揀返你最愛嘅四水啦!感激萬分!等到遲啲有多啲results我就會 generate 個 summary 方便大家睇。 問卷地址 調查結果 後記(24/6/2014) 得到咗20個同學嘅踴躍支持,我就做咗個小小嘅summary MED嚟講,PMH, KWH, QEH, TMH都係熱門選擇 SUR嘅同學似乎就偏好QEH,PMH,KWH,TMH PED就係PMH 同PYNEH(個人感覺上特別係HKU同學)都好受歡迎 N太細,冇乜其他有用conclusion draw到......

[FamMed] Problem-based Approach to Family Medicine (2009)

Problem-based Approach to Family Medicine (2009 ) Price: $150 呢本係上introductory lecture時有人推薦嘅書,加上有「學生優惠」,所以我就自己親自去左灣仔佢個office度買。當然啦話咗佢係FamMed書,你就唔好當佢係內外婦兒骨乜都講得好深入啦...... This book is actually recommended to us in one of the introductory lectures, and with a "discount"! Of course as a textbook geek I went to their office in Wan Chai and bought one. As the recommended textbook, it is a compact and focused text instead of a textbook in all the specialties, so its focus is mainly on family medicine. 

[Paed] Illustrated Textbook of Paediatrics 4e (2011)

Illustrated Textbook of Paediatrics 4e (2012) aka 太陽花 $??? 唔記得幾錢 兒科都無乜得幾本書,除咗呢本太陽花之外,其實仲有本Nelson Essentials of Pediatrics,不過就好似無咩人睇,我都淨係借過嚟揭下補充下太陽花嘅不足。 Not many texts are used amongst us during our paediatrics rotation in med4, and this is one of the most commonly used one (the other one i know of is Nelson Essentials of Pediatrics, which is a nice reference text to supplement this book).

[O&G] Gynaecology by Ten Teachers 19e (2011)

Gynaecology by Ten Teachers 19e (2011) Price $145 同產科一樣,婦科對我嚟講都係屬於比較陌生嘅科。始終女人嘅嘢,我識咩呀,係咪先? Similar to Obstetrics, Gynaecology was one of the more unfamiliar specialties in med 4. Intrinsically born with a Y, I do not share the pride of having two X.

【最後結局】考完Final MB之後嘅腦力人性大考驗

最後結局: 1. PWH ORT 2. PWH SUR 3. KWH MED 4. PWH MED 其實水水我都啱,只係我想轉下個次序姐⋯⋯ 經過一個5人 swap之後,成功掟走咗個OBG,但係就sacrifice 咗個 R2 PMH SUR同R1 PWH MED...... KWH MED好似幾好,都係驚喜哈哈! 其實真係唔關人事,係我自已冇好野俾到人,但係你辛辛苦苦砌出黎嘅swap俾人拒絕真係好令人失望。 同呢個世界一樣,每個人都擁有一啲人地好想要,但係自已就唔珍惜嘅野。同樣地,你要學會放手(PWH MED and PMH SUR) 先可以獲得更多 (PWH ORT 同掟走OBG) 。

[O&G] Obstetrics by Ten Teachers 19e (2011)

Obstetrics by Ten Teachers 19e (2011) Price $145 婦產科都係一個四年級時比較陌生嘅科,因為之前其實無咩接觸過太多有關嘅臨床知識。而書呢方面,我細細個就聽過ten teachers呢個名啦!加上我med4 前有需要都睇過本書,所以我就買咗呢本同埋佢個姊妹 Gynaecology by Ten Teachers Obstetrics is one of the more unfamiliar specialties in med4 as we didnt really have a lot of exposure in it. But for textbook, I heard of the Ten Teachers for a long time as the classical textbook in O&G, so I went straight to buy this one and its counterpart  Gynaecology by Ten Teachers .

[醫書直說] Med 4 小心得 Recommendations

Med 4 有四科,分別係婦產科Obs and Gyn,兒科 Paediatrics,家庭及社區醫學Family and Community Medicine同埋精神科Psychiatry(排名跟住我rotation嘅次序,而我一直覺得呢個順序係有意思嘅)。四科其實都係獨當一面嘅專科,要讀晒都唔容易。有人一本書都唔駛買,淨係用notes都得(多謝我哋啲senior寫咗啲神notes留比我哋),我就都係鍾意睇書所以亦都有用textbook。 The 4 rotations in year 4 are namely O&G, Paed, Family and Comm Med and Psy. I always think there is a meaning behind this special order...These are four specialties with substantial knowledge needed for each one of them, so it was not too easy to master them all. Some people don't have to use any textbook at all, thanks to our respectable seniors who wrote some very good notes for us. I personally prefer textbooks as a core.

【Med 5】如何整理筆記作考試溫習用 How to organise your notes for exam revision

簡介 Introduction: 我之前喺 Med 5 嘅小提議  入面提及過可持續學習,其實係咩嚟呢?「可持續學習」呢個名係我自己諗出嚟架啫,其實大意就係將你學過嘅知識整理,分類,再同時將新學到嘅嘢整合,到考試嘅時候你就有一份屬於你自己嘅 ___ Notes 啦!因為 med 5 教過嘅嘢太多,係無可能於一時三刻喺考試之前還得晒,所以真係要好好計劃下點樣設計一個適合你自己嘅讀書方法。 I have mentioned the idea of "sustainable learning" previously in the little sharing with med 5. What actually is sustainable learning? It is basically the concept of organising, categorising and integrating your existing notes with newly acquired knowledge. By the time of your Final MB exam, you will have your own ____ Notes! As a matter of fact the amount of bookwork needed in your final year of medical school is quite substantial. You will go through a lot of material, and there is no way you can revise the stuff from the whole year just before your exams. Therefore you really need to think hard to come up with a study plan which suit you best!

[醫書直說] Med 5 心得 Recommendations

可持續地學習應該係 med 5 嘅重點。如果仲係諗住好似以前咁hea住讀,得過且過,今次會危險啲啦,因為呢一年要讀嘅嘢太多啦,除非你係天才(咁我唔係啦)。一開始 med 5 係先嚟一個月嘅 refresher course,將你由 elective 嘅天堂帶返嚟現實嘅地獄,一邊上 lecture 一邊諗自己今年究竟有幾多書要讀,由其係當你完全唔知個 lecturer 噏乜......

[Medical] 250 Cases in Clinical Medicine 4e (2012)

250 Cases in Clinical Medicine 4e (2012) $159 250 cases 係好為人熟悉,同 白書 ,金銀書等等都好相似,係以case為主嘅考試用書。我其實係由H Notes(med 3神notes)果度啲reference得知呢本書。 This is a well known exam-oriented textbook, quite similar to OST Clinical Medicine for MRCP PACES  and An Aid to the MRCP PACES. I first knew this book from the reference section in H Notes (a very well written comprehensive set of notes used by many med3).

[Medical] Heart Sounds Made Easy 2e (2008)

Heart Sounds Made Easy 2e (2008) $312 我之前讀preclinical其實就完全冇讀過clinical skills,我係由返嚟香港開始由零學起,仲要個個同學都已經識晒,得我一個唔識。好彩我遇到一班好好人嘅同學一邊上ward一邊教我,仲有好多好好人嘅醫生教授幫我惡補速成,我先可以順利銜接到呢一年。 Before I came back for clinical studies, I knew nothing about clinical examinations, but the whole class here have already learned it. There was quite some pressure to catch up actually. Fortunately I have very supportive and helpful classmates who are willing to teach me during our clinical rotation, and also many doctors and professors who were willing to offer a crash course for me so that I ended up no worse than my peers. 咁多個system嘅臨床檢查,我覺得聽 heart sounds同murmurs 係其中一種最難掌握嘅技巧。我要到med5聽得多啲先至有多少少信心同能力去由聽診去做一個完整嘅臨床診斷。 I think the interpretation of heart sounds and murmurs is one of the most difficult skills to master in clinical examinations. I only gained more confidence and ability to make a complete diagnosis by auscultation from practising from our patients in med5.

[Medical] Pocket Medicine 5e (2013)

Pocket Medicine: The Massachusetts General Hospital Handbook of Internal Medicine 5e (2014) Price: $312 識睇書嘅一定係睇呢本。真係冇誇張,呢本係我用過嘅內科教科書中最好嘅一本。你見過我上ward都會見過我帶著呢本書。我同佢最初嘅相遇係喺臺大醫院做海外交換生時,我見到好多佢哋嘅學生都呢本書,我心諗係咪咁堅抽呀。 It is the best textbook in internal medicine I have ever read, and I carried it with me all the time in the wards. I first encounter this textbook when I was doing my elective in emergency medicine in National University of Taiwan Hospital.

[Surgery] MRCS Part B OSCEs: Essential Revision Notes 2e (2010)

MRCS Part B OSCEs: Essential Revision Notes 2e (2010) Price: $611 講起點解會買呢本書其實都係機緣巧合,有一次我喺med4嘅時候去麥包王閒逛,唔知點解撞到一個師姐,講起買咩書,佢就推薦咗呢本比我(不過佢就話係喺library借)。當其時我一搵到本書,正當我拎本書出來之際,就見到個價錢牌......我真係心諗使咪咁貴呀,所以當時我無買到。 It just so happened that I bumped into one of our seniors when I was window shopping in MB when I was in med4, she recommended this surgical text for short case preparations. I was a bit shocked when I saw the price tag, so I wasn't really interested in buying when I didn't need it in year 4 (well she only recommended borrowing it from the library).

[Medical] OST Clinical Medicine for the MRCP PACES (2010)

OST Clinical Medicine for the MRCP PACES (2010) aka 白書 Price: $497 被譽為其中一本med5神書,個個都刨,而我有聽聞有med3都有睇 (雖然我都係med3就買咗)但係其實我唔係太贊成未學行先學走... No doubt the must have in med5, if you could master it in med3 it would be wonderful. But I think it is better for med3 to focus on the basic skills of history taking and physical exam first...

[Surgery] Surgical Recall 6e (2011)

Surgical Recall 6e 2011 Price: $241 呢本med3 surgery 必備神書,唔知點解去到med5就無咩人睇,上ward 聽過有人話:「唔通重睇recall呀?」其實我就仍然覺得呢本書好有用 This is a very popular textbook amongst med3 students when they first started their junior surgical clerkship, but for some reason it has become largely obsolete in med5 and some people even look you down if you mention this book in the ward.

[Medical] The ECG Made Easy, 150 ECG Problems, The ECG In Practice

The ECG Made Easy 7e  ( 2008) Price:$ 113 我喺med3就買咗呢本,因為一上ward就會有人問你識唔識睇ECG,而呢本似乎係大部份同學都會睇嘅ECG入門。 I bought this book when I first entered clinical studies in med3 because so many doctors asked us to interpret ECG in the wards. Most of us read this one as a starter too.

[Medical] Mini Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine 7e (2008)

Mini Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine, 7e (2008) aka 黃小巴 Price: Free (from MPS) 呢本其實係我第一本擁有嘅medical textbook 加入咗MPS之後就免費獲贈一本 頭三年讀med school都無乜用到 直到我讀clinical就發現其實好有用 由一開頭med3 surgery到我med5終於買黃巴士我都係用佢 This came to me as a free copy as I registered for the MPS when I was a fresher in England. I didnt use it much in the first three years of med school but I realised how useful it is soon I entered clinical studies back in Hong Kong. I used it from time to time until I bought the new edition of the big OHCM in Med5.

【醫書直說】內科 Medical

內科其實真係有好多書 由經典嘅kumar到新一代嘅白書 各有各fans

【醫書直說】外科 Surgery

相比起 medical,surgical好似買少好多書,但係其實有啲書係共用嘅,所以都無得分得咁清楚。數數埋埋都買咗 $3000...

Final MB 過後

考完Final MB後,發現其實我三年來加加埋埋買咗差唔多一萬蚊醫科書,所以我諗住寫少少嘢俾考慮買書嘅你參考下,用最少嘅錢同時間買到最啱你用嘅書。歡迎大家分享你哋嘅意見。 After I finished my Final MB exam I realised I have bought almost $10K worth of medical textbooks over the three years I am back in Hong Kong, so I am writing this blog for you to choose the most suitable textbook for you with minimal time and effort. Feel free to comment and share your ideas!