[Medical] OST Clinical Medicine for the MRCP PACES (2010)
OST Clinical Medicine for the MRCP PACES (2010) aka 白書
Price: $497
被譽為其中一本med5神書,個個都刨,而我有聽聞有med3都有睇 (雖然我都係med3就買咗)但係其實我唔係太贊成未學行先學走...
No doubt the must have in med5, if you could master it in med3 it would be wonderful. But I think it is better for med3 to focus on the basic skills of history taking and physical exam first...
呢本書係用來準備考MRCP PACES(即係臨床試,我哋個medical OSCE都係參考佢個型式)用嘅書,分開兩本,一本係集中臨床檢查技巧,包括四大system (abdo, cardi, resp, neuro,即係OSCE station 1同2 ),仲有其他例如endocrine, rheumat, dermat, ophthalm 等 OSCE station 3;而另一本就係history taking加少少clinical consultation。
每個case一開始佢都會有一段稿比你練下點present,之後會有footnote解釋返點解,最後就係一啲類似viva 嘅問題同答案,形式上非常類似我哋嘅考試。
A PACES style book in two volumes, one for physical exam ie station 1,2 and 3 (abdo, resp, cardi, neuro and other subspecialties such as rheumat, dermat, endocrine) in our medical OSCE and the other is mainly for history taking i.e. station 5.
Each case starts with a script for you to practise how to present a similar case in the exam, followed by footnotes explaining the important points and a viva-like Q&A, which is very similar to the format in the exam.
好處 Pros:
- 準備考試好書,內容詳細,包含絕大部分考臨床試會見到嘅cases,仲包埋viva添
- excellent for exam preparation with great details and covers most commonly seen cases in clinical exams, and also with viva questions
- 包含history,physical exam同clinical consultation,一本可以準備晒 OSCE station 1,2,3同5
- covers history, physical exam and clinical consultation for OSCE station 1, 2, 3 and 5 preparation
- 學到好多考試有用嘅內科知識
- substantiated my knowledge in internal medicine
- 都成五舊水,仲貴過傳統嘅內科教科書
- almost $500...costs more than my Kumar...
- med5 用來準備考試係一流,但係記住要睇多啲真病人先至會學得到,記得住,去到臨床冇得呃人,有冇做過一睇就知。
- med3 睇下啲history taking打好根底先,你哋考試主要都係耍拳,signs pick up當然好,但係唔好花太多時間將重點放喺啲太複雜嘅case。我覺得如果你睇下啲基本嘢,例如啲sign係點解,明下個pathophysiology,打好根底仲好,因為你med5唔會有時間。
- definitely a good book for preparation of med5 OSCE, but do remember book knowledge is not sufficient, and you need to see and practise such skills in the bedside for you to perform well in the exam. it is very obvious to the examiner whether you have practised or not
- for med3 students i think maybe focus on history taking is good enough, your exam is mainly to test your examination smoothness, picking up signs and interpretation of them will be bonus, you dont fail for missing signs (well normally...). I recommend reading the basics of the mechanisms behind various symptoms and physical signs when you won't have time in med5.