[Medical] The ECG Made Easy, 150 ECG Problems, The ECG In Practice
I bought this book when I first entered clinical studies in med3 because so many doctors asked us to interpret ECG in the wards. Most of us read this one as a starter too.
好處 Pros:
- 基本ECG教材,由淺入深,由ECG原理講解常見ECG pattern,配有example可以練習
- covers the basics of ECG interpretation from the fundamental principles behind to various ECG abnormalities with examples for you to familiarise
- 有開心版
- i was told that it is available online (somehow)!
- 做教科書就好,溫書溫起上嚟就唔係太方便,因為佢啲重點都幾分散
- quite typical textbook, not too convenient for quick revisions as the main points are quite scattered throughout the book
推薦 Recommendation:5/10
- 作為入門ECG唔錯,但如果你有睇過DC 嗰本ECG Primer其實就無咩需要再睇呢本
- Good as an introduction to ECG, but not really a must if you have read the ECG Primer from DC
Price: $123
一早med3就同made easy一齊買咗,但係一直都未的起心肝睇,直到med5 一睇就發覺呢本其實係寶!我果時係設立咗目標一日睇十個case,15日就好快睇晒啦
I bought this together with ECG made easy in med3, fantasising I would finish both that year, but I only realise how useful this is when I entered med5. I set a target of reading 10 cases per day, and the whole book is finished just over 2 weeks.
好處 Pros:
- 練 pattern recognition
- excellent for pattern recognition
- 睇唔明揭落下一頁有答案,唔識睇到識
- answers on the back so you can keep practising until you don't miss the key points
- 佢啲case令你可以熟習點樣systematically 睇ECG
- you can practise how to systematically interpret and present commonly seen ECG patterns
- 真係無咩,又唔貴
- Not much as a book costing only $123
推薦 Recommendation:7/10
- 作為練習書,識咗基本嘢就可以用呢本書去練熟點睇ECG
- as a exercise workbook after you have understood the basics of ECG
Price: $158
當我踏入med5 medical 無耐,人哋個個都好似識好多ECG,但我又未睇晒前兩本ECG書,有一個星期二我去睇書時揭下揭下又覺得呢本書好似幾有用喎,於是我都唔知咩原因痴左邊條線又買多本ECG書。
When I just started my medical rotation in med5, everyone seemed to know a lot about ECGs while I still havent finished the previous two books. Somehow I was attracted to the third in the series when I was flipping through it. I just have to say I was more motivated to read in med5 when facing the leftovers from med3 and the new comers in med5...
好處 Pros:
- 如果你ECG功力有返咁上下,呢本書都係一本好好嘅summary同revision,話俾你知一啲常見嘅ECG pattern點處理,有咩ddx
- Nice summarised text and also gives you a perspective of how ECG is used in clinical practice, e.g. management of common ECG abnormalities and differentials diagnoses
- 有講一啲比較深嘅topic,例如cardiac monitoring device, ablation, angina investigations
- also covers more advanced cardiology topics such as cardiac monitoring devices, ablation for arrhythmia and investigations for angina
- 都唔算貴啦,364頁喎
- good bargain for 364 pages
- 唔識書就好難follow
- difficult to follow if you do not know much
- 同made easy一樣,成本書好難溫得快
- similar to ECG made easy, difficult to revise very quickly
- 內容比final MB 難度深,只求碌過就唔好哂時間
- provides you more knowledge than needed for final MB exam, if you only look for a pass then no need to study this
推薦 Recommendation:6/10
- 係一本用來融會貫通嘅書,唔睇考試都唔會差好遠,但係都係我覺得識多啲ECG第日practice無壞
- good for putting knowledge into practice, but not going to make a huge difference for exams. I still think it is good to know more about ECG for future practice