[Medical] 250 Cases in Clinical Medicine 4e (2012)

250 Cases in Clinical Medicine 4e (2012)

250 cases 係好為人熟悉,同白書,金銀書等等都好相似,係以case為主嘅考試用書。我其實係由H Notes(med 3神notes)果度啲reference得知呢本書。

This is a well known exam-oriented textbook, quite similar to OST Clinical Medicine for MRCP PACES and An Aid to the MRCP PACES. I first knew this book from the reference section in H Notes (a very well written comprehensive set of notes used by many med3).

一如其他考試用書,佢分開唔同subspecialty,例如cardi會由cardiovascular system嘅History同PE講起,至到考試常見嘅病,好似唔同嘅心瓣問題同結構性心臟病。而除咗四大system外,佢都會有rheumat, endocrine, dermat 同埋 fundus (OSCE好重要!)。每個病都會提及佢嘅history,exam嘅重點,同一句summary sentence比你考試參考,最後就係抽書問答環節,作為娛樂佢都有一啲特別嘅冷知識,例如原來達文西係第一個記錄低先天性結構性心臟病嘅人!

Similar to other books for examinations, this book is organised according to subspecialties, and in each subspecialty e.g. cardiology, it starts with history and physical exam, then move on to common diseases seen in the exams such as valvular heart diseases and structure heart diseases. Apart from the four major systems, there are also a lot of content on rheumatology, endocinology, dermatology and fundoscopy. Each disease will also start with the salient features in history and physical exam, followed by a sample sentence for you to summarise the case as if it is in the exam. Then there is also a Q&A section for viva. As entertainment there is also a box following some of the cases, which provides you with some interesting facts about that disease, for example Leonardo da Vinci is believed to be the first person to record congenital cardiac malformations.

好處 Pros:
  • 袋裝書,細細本(但係幾厚,成900頁),方便你上ward用(上ward又好難下下拎本白書出來嘅)
  • pocket-sized book but rich contents in 900 pages, good for carrying around wards (which is not so easy with OST) 
  • 會講到一啲clinical exam唔會直接考但係可能會問到嘅病,例如myocardial infarction and infective endocarditis (因為佢哋通常都唔係穩定都可以被咁多人檢查)
  • also mentions some diseases which are less likely to be the primary diagnosis in clinical exams but good follow up questions, such as myocardial infarction and infective endocarditis (as they are too unstable to be examined by many students)
  • 好多問答環節嘅答案都有提供消息來源,可信度大增
  • often the information provided are also with the source, which makes it more creditable
  • 都有唔少圖,皮膚科嘅仲係彩色添
  • with reasonable number of illustrations, the ones in dermatology are even coloured!
壞處 Cons:

  • 多字,問答嘅段落形式無助於快速溫習或閱讀
  • qutie wordy and the paragraph format of Q&A are not the most convenient for quick revision or reading
  • 有時內容太深,睇唔明,又會令你唔知究竟使唔使識到咁深入
  • the contents are sometimes too difficult to understand at undergraduate levels, causing confusion as to how much we actually need for exam purposes

推薦 Recommendation:8/10

  • 同白書一樣都係一本好好嘅考試用書,各有長處。佢就比較短小精幹,而白書就有篇完整啲嘅稿而唔係好似250 cases 得一句(不過佢呢句有值得你學嘅結構)
  • a good examination textbook as the OST, and each has its own strengths. 250 cases is more compact and smaller in size, while OST has a more complete 
  • 如果要揀一本,我會揀白書,可能係因為佢會容易明白,而我睇完白書會有我學咗嘢嘅感覺,但係睇呢本就通常有種睇唔明嘅感覺(可能係我睇得太早,如果功力深厚啲再睇可能會有分別),雖然買一本白書嘅價錢可以買到兩本250caes仲有剩......
  • if you ask me to pick between this one and OST, i may choose OST as I think I could understand it better and I did have the feeling of acquiring new knowledge after reading it, while this book often leaves me the feeling of confusion and self-incompetence (maybe I read this book too early, so if I read this when I have more experience in medicine it could feel different). Although you should bear in mind the price of OST is more than double of 250 cases...



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