[Medical] Heart Sounds Made Easy 2e (2008)

Heart Sounds Made Easy 2e (2008)

我之前讀preclinical其實就完全冇讀過clinical skills,我係由返嚟香港開始由零學起,仲要個個同學都已經識晒,得我一個唔識。好彩我遇到一班好好人嘅同學一邊上ward一邊教我,仲有好多好好人嘅醫生教授幫我惡補速成,我先可以順利銜接到呢一年。
Before I came back for clinical studies, I knew nothing about clinical examinations, but the whole class here have already learned it. There was quite some pressure to catch up actually. Fortunately I have very supportive and helpful classmates who are willing to teach me during our clinical rotation, and also many doctors and professors who were willing to offer a crash course for me so that I ended up no worse than my peers.

咁多個system嘅臨床檢查,我覺得聽 heart sounds同murmurs 係其中一種最難掌握嘅技巧。我要到med5聽得多啲先至有多少少信心同能力去由聽診去做一個完整嘅臨床診斷。
I think the interpretation of heart sounds and murmurs is one of the most difficult skills to master in clinical examinations. I only gained more confidence and ability to make a complete diagnosis by auscultation from practising from our patients in med5.

呢本係我買過其中一本最貴嘅書,160頁另一隻細CD ROM,咁就盛惠$312,唔知而家有冇international edition 可以平啲呢?
This is one of the most expensive books I have bought, considering it has only 160 pages with a CD ROM.

呢本pocket book(係呀又係細書呀)由心口上唔同嘅地方分類,將每一個地方會聽到 heart sounds 同 murmur 嘅病加以解釋,例如喺aortic area佢會有aortic stenosis,left lower sternal border就有VSD同TR等等,再加以個病嘅history, PE 同 investigations例如CXR, ECG, Echo。
The sections are arranged according to the various areas over the praecodium, and for each area it talks about the commonest murmurs heard at that area, e.g. aortic stenosis at the aortic area, and the it takes the traditional approach to briefly go through the history, examinations and some investigations such as ECG, CXR or echo.

本書仲有一隻CD ROM,可以比你真係聽到個murmur嘅特點,聽到熟為止。
There is a CD ROM with a programme which allows you to listen to various types of heart sounds at different locations over the praecordium.

好處 Pros:
  • 以一本淨係講heart sound 同 murmur 嘅書,佢對每個病都可以俾到一個幾完整嘅picture
  • as a book on heart sounds and murmur it can still give you quite a nice overall view of the diseases 
  • 隻CD仲可以調較murmur嘅速度,聲量同開關每個聲音嘅組合,例如淨係聽diastolic熄咗systolic。
  • You can also adjust the speed, volume and turn on/off each component of the heart sounds. Very flexible feature. 
壞處 Cons:
  • 貴,而 library有(我買咗之後先知)
  • expensive, yet the library has it (I only realised after I bought it)
  • 啲 heart sounds有少少假
  • Some of the heart sounds actually have an artificial quality
推薦 Recommendation:睇就 6/10 (for reading),買就3/10 (for buying)
  • 一般可以令你更熟悉cardiac auscultation嘅書,仲有CD ROM可以聽完再聽,唔睇價錢嘅話都係一本唔錯嘅選擇,要買就免啦
  • quite a nice introduction to cardiac auscultation, with a multimedia CD ROM for you to familiarise yourself with the various murmurs. Worth reading but not buying...



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