[Paed] Illustrated Textbook of Paediatrics 4e (2011)

Illustrated Textbook of Paediatrics 4e (2012) aka 太陽花
$??? 唔記得幾錢

兒科都無乜得幾本書,除咗呢本太陽花之外,其實仲有本Nelson Essentials of Pediatrics,不過就好似無咩人睇,我都淨係借過嚟揭下補充下太陽花嘅不足。
Not many texts are used amongst us during our paediatrics rotation in med4, and this is one of the most commonly used one (the other one i know of is Nelson Essentials of Pediatrics, which is a nice reference text to supplement this book).

本書由基本paediatric history/PE講起先,之後有acute paediatrics (考osce必讀!),genetic abnormalities,perinatal同neonatal medicine(都係好重要嘅topic), 同埋唔同嘅system例如resp,cardi,renal等等。
This book covers basic clinical skills such as history taking and physical exam, and important topics (for OSCE!) such as acute paediatrics, genetic abnormalities, perinatal and neonatal medicine, followed by various systems such as cardi, resp, renal etc.

好處 Pros:
  • 大部分內容都係以傳統方式,由病理開始(好使你知道你睇緊乜),流行病學(兒科都幾著重,尤其係啲病係幾多歲會常見),臨床表現,如何確診同處理。
  • quite a classical approach to clinical conditions, starting from the pathological definition, epidemiology (which is important in paediatrics in particular the age range), clinical manifestation, diagnosis and management. 
  • 完咗一個topic會有summary box比你組織下記憶。
  • a summary box will follow each condition for your to organise your ideas and consolidate your memory
  • 同個書名一樣,都算幾多illustrations,我到而家都仲記得佢個acute epiglottitis個妹妹坐定定擘大口透氣個樣。
  • very nice illustrations as the title suggests, I can still vividly remember the girl with epiglottitis sitting up with her mouth open, gasping for air
壞處 Cons:
  • 淨係呢本書唔足以應付 end module OSCE(我考完OSCE先知),特別係臨床知識(唔知點解我果陣時係無跟過round),所以要另外睇多啲病人同盡量R多啲人教書(我仲記得我R過NICU醫生上bedside,學識咗點除紙尿片,之後考clinical就除得非常乾淨俐落,仲攞到個A添哈哈)。
  • only reading this book may barely get you a pass in the end module osce as there is a lack of practical details in the book, so you need to go to the wards and ask for extra tutorials from our very kind tutors. I learned the very important skill of removing the diapers on an infant in a bedside, then during my clinical skills assessment I successfully undressed my infant, which got me an A haha
  • 有時有啲細節嘢都係要再睇書或者wiki先搵到
  • sometimes you may have to refer to other textbooks or wikipedia for details, such as occipital lymphadenopathy and rubella
推薦 Recommendation:9/10
  • 非常好用嘅兒科全書,集中讀咗都足夠醫學生之用,當然你想攞丁就例外啦
  • Excellent paediatrics text with sufficient basic knowledge for medical students. Of course if you aim for a distinction in paediatrics then you may try other more comprehensive texts.



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