[Medical] Chest X-Ray Made Easy 3e (2009)

Chest X-Ray Made Easy 3e (2009)
Price: $114

繼之前ECG系列,今次又有Chest X Ray系列之一嘅 made easy。ECG 真係無論 med 3 4 5 內外科都識嘅基本知識,我就係喺 Final MB Medical OSCE考咗啦,你今日俾人抽咗未?
After the ECG made easy triad, this time we have one of the chest X ray duplet - chest x ray made easy. This is really an essential skill and I just happened to be tested on this in my medical OSCE exam.

呢本書教你基本嘅肺片嘅結構,同埋唔同地方嘅常見問題,例如lung field, hilum, heart, ribs 同 soft tissue,仲有幾頁講下CT咁。重要嘅係佢都有提及點樣完整咁present一張CXR,流程,comment啲technical quality,,仲有啲基本數字,例如點數rib for hyperinflation,cardiac shadow 嘅大細等等。後面就有啲一定要識嘅例子,例如 collapse,pleural effusion,pneumothorax等等。

This book introduces the basic anatomy of a chest X-ray and the common problems in different areas, including the lung fields, hilum, heart, ribs as well as soft tissue, plus a few pages on CT as well. More importantly it also has a suggested flow for a proper presentation of a chest x ray, how to comment on technical qualities of the film, and the basic numbers you should remember like the number of ribs, the size of the cardiac shadow etc, followed by examples of must-know cases such as collapse, pleural effusion, pneumothorax etc

好處 Pros:
  • 簡單易明
  • Easy to understand
  • 包括咗好多學生應該識嘅,考試會考嘅CXR
  • Included many CXR abnormalities that medical students should know and commonly asked in the exams
  • 每張CXR都有幅細圖,outline俾你睇個abnormalities
  • each CXR is accompanied by a smaller outline which shows you where the abnormal part is
壞處 Cons:
  • 真係冇乜,最多話佢係paragraph,啲重點唔明顯囉
  • not really, maybe just saying it is in paragraph form and the key points are not too obvious
推薦 Recommendation:8/10
  • 一本CXR入門好書,不過如果你可能只會睇一兩次(平時一次,考試溫書一次),所以買唔買就睇你自己啦!
  • excellent starting text for CXR, but you may just read it once or twice, so you have to decide if you have better places to spend this $114!



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