[O&G] Obstetrics by Ten Teachers 19e (2011)

Obstetrics by Ten Teachers 19e (2011)
Price $145

婦產科都係一個四年級時比較陌生嘅科,因為之前其實無咩接觸過太多有關嘅臨床知識。而書呢方面,我細細個就聽過ten teachers呢個名啦!加上我med4 前有需要都睇過本書,所以我就買咗呢本同埋佢個姊妹Gynaecology by Ten Teachers
Obstetrics is one of the more unfamiliar specialties in med4 as we didnt really have a lot of exposure in it. But for textbook, I heard of the Ten Teachers for a long time as the classical textbook in O&G, so I went straight to buy this one and its counterpart Gynaecology by Ten Teachers.
講真我當時主要都係睇Termin為主,有咩好得過坐喺labour ward果間充滿冷氣嘅房睇晒本termin?當時我都係主要用呢本書做reference。內容大致上都係
During my obstetrics rotation I mainly read the Terminology (which is a very comprehensive note compiled by our seniors) while sitting in the well air-conditioned labour ward waiting. This book was mainly used as a reference text.

內容方面佢都係類似其他textbook,係由obstetrics嘅history同PE開始,又會有講下啲基本懷孕時期嘅生理學,咁當然亦都有好多篇幅討論產前同生產時嘅問題,例如Preeclampsia, Labour, Obstetrics emergencies。
Just like other textbooks it starts with obstetric history and physical examination, then it moves on to some basic physiology about pregnancy, and of course it also heavily focuses on many antenatal and perinatal care, such as pre-eclampsia, labour process and other obstetrics emergencies.

好處 Pros:
  • 傳統教科書,資料詳細
  • classical approach with detailed information which gives you quite a complete picture
壞處 Cons:
  • 實在有冇咩,可能因為呢本書我唔算主打
  • I can't think of any, maybe because I didnt use this book as my main textbook for obstetrics.
推薦 Recommendation:7/10
  • 同termin一齊睇可能可以互補不足,其實跟下round了解下實際臨床上嘅知識同接多啲仔都可以幫你熟習同對呢科改觀㗎(睇下係會好鍾意定好憎啦哈哈)
  • good companion to Terminology, but as always it is the actual clinical exposure from which I learned the most and remembered until now. The clinical experience will also change your view towards this subject (be it better or worse haha)!



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