[Psy] Oxford Handbook of Psychiatry 2e

Oxford Handbook of Psychiatry

呢本係我唯一一本係急到唔係喺麥包王買嘅書。話說我 year 4有次返中大行商務,正值又係就嚟考Psy end module,見到呢本書,拎上手,揭下揭下又覺得ok喎,結果我兩個星期內睇晒佢去考,都算考得唔錯架 ;)

This is the only book that I wanted it so much that I did not buy in you know which book shop. It was a few weeks before the end module exam of psychiatry, and I was quite interested by it when i flipped through it. In the end I spent two weeks finished the book and got a very decent pass ;)

As I was already close to the end of my psychiatry clerkship, I already had some basic ideas about what I would find most useful for the exam. It is actually great as you will know what suits you best when looking for a book or note for revision.


It starts with a great chapter on the basics of psychiatry - different methods to ask about symptoms and a glossary for the special psychiatric symptoms. Then it covers quite a complete range of topics in psychiatry, from organic diseases such as dementia, to psychosis, mood disorders, anxiety, eating, sleep and reproduction disorders, personality disorders, substance abuse as well as child psychiatry etc.

好處 Pros:
  • 我覺得佢講精神科急症同唔同病嘅檢驗果個幾章節非常有用
  • I find the topics such as acute psychiatric encounters, various workups for dementia or other possible organic psychiatric manifestations very useful. 
  • 佢有一個章節專門講精神科各種治療上常見副作用,例如精神科藥物所導致嘅錐體外徑副作用,血清素症候群,抗精神藥物惡性症候群等,對於考試係非常有幫助。
  • One of the best parts of this book is that it has a section on "Therapeutic Issues", which covers issues on side effects of treatments, such as those extrapyramidal side effects of antipsychotics, serotonin syndrome, neuroleptic malignant syndrome etc. These are topics which get into the exam once in a while and catch a lot of people unguarded. 
  • 有時佢都有好多常被問嘅流行病學數據
  • sometimes it has some frequently asked epidemiological data
壞處 Cons:
  • 有時啲參考值未必係最識用於香港,例如BMI
  • some of the reference values may not be applicable for Hong Kong as this is a UK book, such as the BMI ranges for obesity. 
推薦 Recommendation:9/10
  • 以學生嚟講,呢本係我覺得最有用嘅精神科教科書,俾到好大範圍同深度嘅書料。認真嚟講冇一樣嘢可以取代練習OSCE,同同學講下嘢,練下組織同溝通技巧,潛移默化地你就會學到好多精神科嘅嘢。
  • The single best psychiatry textbook for background knowledge I have read. Of course no single book can replace the importance of practice, practice and practice. This book provides you with great breadth and depth of knowledge, so you are equipped to go on and practise how to put these knowledge in clinical use/exam preparation. 



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